Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

The DSW Approach: A Commitment to Diversity and Equity.

References are often made to principles within this area interchangeably and inaccurately.  Disability Sport Wales are clear what each component means and are committed to ensuring that all areas of embedded as fundamental drivers to all areas of our work.

Equality is the principle of individuals having the same things; that things are fair, and that individuals are not disadvantaged.  The Federation of Disability Sport Wales considers the point at which equality is achieved as being the result of Equity, providing Equal Opportunity, prioritising inclusive mindset and behaviours and creating environments where diversity is achieved through a culture within the organisation which values people, their lived experiences and removes any challenges on this basis to the work environment.

Equity is the process of attaining equality in which positive action is taken to provide opportunities to people who may not otherwise have had access to them.  Equity is ultimately about understanding and providing what people need in order to enable meaningful opportunity and access to physical activity, including sport, physical education and leisure.  This may require treating individuals differently, based on need, provision or responses; and will never be about treating everyone ‘the same’. 

Equal Opportunity is the commitment to treating all employees and potential employees fairly, and not to discriminate against them for any reason.

DSW consider diversity to be about recognising, respecting and valuing different experiences, perceptions, cultures, lifestyles and approaches based on membership to groups who share protected characteristics (including race; ethnicity; religion, faith or belief; sex; gender identity; sexual orientation; impairment; marital status; parental status; age; political affiliation; and first language). 

Diversity in our workforce, leadership team (including Board), and membership is essential to DSWs success as a creative, innovative, dynamic and inclusive organisation and at the heart of all we do.  By valuing diversity Disability Sport Wales encourages variety of thought, the embracing new ideas and the creation of a culture that fosters innovation by valuing everyone’s differences.


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