Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

insport Series: Education sponsored by SPAR

insport Series: Education

insport Series: Education is a collection of discrete lesson plans in several activity areas produced by Disability Sport Wales in partnership with the Urdd, Badminton Wales, Welsh Athletics, Welsh Gymnastics and Cardiff Metropolitan University.

The lesson plans are intended to provide examples of how to plan a Physical Activity lesson that:

  • support learners and their journey towards realising the 'four purposes'
  • have considered and translated the descriptions of learning into learning  intentions and success criteria
  • are inclusive and child-centred
  • consider STEP as an approach to differentiate activities
  • provide guidance on how to adapt learning and teaching activities in  response to a range of impairments

To access these lesson plans, register at: https://www.insportseries.co.uk/events/education


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