Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Montage of people of different ages, impairments and backgrounds enjoying sport

UK Disability Inclusion Training for Coaches and Volunteers

There are now 2 versions of the UK Disability Inclusion Training, of which the Coaches and Volunteers version is one.  This means that you will get a tailored experience reflecting the diversity of your needs, and identifying and reinforcing good practice within your area of the physical activity, sport and leisure industry. 

Disability Sport Wales is offering UK DIT courses via a mixture of online and face-to-face learning.

UK Disability Inclusion Training for Coaches and Volunteers Level 1

Learning Intention: Provides a basic introduction to inclusive practice aimed at all of those who are looking to make sport and physical activity sessions more inclusive.

60-minute Online Learning Module

  • Available in English and Welsh. All video content includes subtitles and BSL.
  • Can be completed at any convenient time
  • Developed in partnership with Scottish Disability Sport
  • Contains videos, quizzes, and a certificate is awarded at the end
  • Suitable for coaches, lead coaches, and volunteers
  • FREE of charge!

Enrol at store.disabilitysportwales.com

UK Disability Inclusion Training for Coaches and Volunteers Level 2

Learning Intention: Provides an introduction to inclusive practice and an understanding of the theory behind it. This course is aimed at level 1 coaches and beyond who are looking to make sport and physical activity sessions more inclusive. It covers an in-depth exploration of the influence of perceptions and experiences, legislation, and classifications.

90-minute Online Learning Module and a 1 hour Digital Classroom Theory Session via Zoom

  • Available in English, Welsh, and fully accessible
  • Contains discussion, reflection, and a certificate
  • Cost per person is £26.50 (bundle with UK DIT Level 1)
  • Aimed at coaches, lead coaches, and senior volunteers

Book at store.disabilitysportwales.com

UK Disability Inclusion Training for Coaches and Volunteers Level 3

Learning Intention: Provides an introduction to inclusive practice aimed at lead coaches who are looking to make sport and physical activity sessions more inclusive. Covers the theory of the level 2 course, plus a detailed application of inclusive practice using practical examples to demonstrate how inclusion can be a part of your sessions.

60-minute Online Learning Module, a 1 hour Digital Classroom Theory Session via Zoom, and a 2-hour Face-to-face Practical Session

  • Available in English and Welsh
  • Contains discussion, reflection, practical sporting activities, and a certificate
  • Cost per person is £55.00 (bundle with UK DIT Level 1 and 2)
  • Aimed at lead coaches

Book at store.disabilitysportwales.com

Within the course you will cover:

  • Perceptions and Experiences
  • Good coaching practice and the implications
  • Challenges to and solutions for participation
  • Key points around legislation relating to coaching and volunteering in sport
  • Disability Sport pathways and classification
  • Where to go for further help and guidance
  • The application of this to a practical environment

You can purchase and enrol on a course here: store.disabilitysportwales.com

National Governing Bodies are working in partnership with the HNDSOs to create sport specific UK DIT workshops for their coaches – check with your Governing Body to see if there is a UK DIT (Sport Specific) for your sport.

CIMSPA Education Training Partner Logo
UK Disability Inclusion Training (UK DIT)
  UK DIT for Coaches and Volunteers


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