Become a Volunteer
Sport relies on the dedication and generosity of amazing volunteers to empower opportunities that otherwise wouldn't be possible.
We're always looking for volunteers to help us deliver our events, or work with our partners to create and sustain opportunities for disabled people in Wales to take part in physical activity and sport. If you are looking for a way to contribute to your local community, get involved in sport, and fuel a more inclusive Wales, please get in touch via the form below:

A Volunteer's Experience
Ian Bailes led a team of volunteers from SPAR, who were instrumental in making sure visitors to insport Series: Para Sport Festival had a fun, enjoyable, relaxed and rewarding time.
When volunteering opportunities came along to come and help with the insport Series event at the Para Sport Festival, we couldn’t wait to put our names forward and to assist in any way that we could.
As it was the inaugural Para Sport Festival, we didn’t know what to expect – but it’s been sensational. We’ve been going around the different sports and helping in any way that we can – not so much with the technical things, but a lot of chasing after different shaped balls, helping visitors find their way around the venue and giving out SPAR goodie bags.
It’s been fantastic to see all the children and adults laughing and enjoying themselves – for us, that’s what it’s all about. Nothing beats putting a smile on children’s faces, and there is nothing better than sport for doing that.
We’ve done quite a lot of different volunteering projects, including gardening, painting and decorating, with several different organisations over the years, but I have to admit that the Para Sport Festival has been one of the most rewarding events that we have ever done. This was the first event since Covid restrictions were lifted that we’ve been able to volunteer – and me and the team are looking forward to volunteering for more events like this in the future.