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Disability Sport Wales National Youth Board (NYB)

The National Youth Board is a group of individuals who are committed to the development of disability sport in Wales. The board wants to take advantage of all the skills of members by bringing them together to discuss their ideas on how to improve a variety of aspects of sport for disabled people in Wales. The board is an opportunity for the voices of young people to be heard by Disability Sport Wales and so that their ideas could be developed into real projects.

The aims for the Board

  • To provide a voice and opportunities for all young Welsh people in sport
  • To challenge societal perceptions in sport for all young Welsh people
  • To advocate for clear access to information about disability sport in Wales

To empower young people by developing perspectives on disability sport in Wales

For further information on the DSW National Youth Board. Please contact james.ledger@disabilitysportwales.com



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Follow Disability Sport Wales NYB on Social Media

Twitter @dsw_nyb
Instagram @dsw_nyb

Get to know the Youth Board members:




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