Announcement of the passing of Anthony Hughes MBE, Friday 30th December 2022
Published:22nd January 2023
It is with the greatest sadness that we share the news of the unexpected passing of Anthony Hughes MBE on the 30th December 2022.
He was a loving father and brother; our Performance Manager, friend, colleague, athlete, coach, and an absolute advocate, champion and ambassador for disability sport in Wales and across the world. His reach and impact was unsurpassed.
His determination to ensure everyone achieved their potential through opportunity and equity was unparalleled, and made a difference to so many hundreds and thousands of lives.
There are no words to express the loss, sadness and disbelief this news brings. Ant will be missed always, but we will continue to fight for the legacy he so believed in - a Wales where sport has equity at its heart and everyone has the right to achieve their potential.
Ant taught us all so many lessons, inspired us, and gave us so much knowledge through his story telling, and we will honour him in the days and weeks to come with stories about his life, his impact and his legacy.
Our thoughts are with his family at this hugely difficult time.
Disability Sport Wales is able to influence, include and inspire in sport with the support of our fantastic partners.
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SPAR UK (AF Blakemore Ltd.)
Cynnig Cymraeg
The Cynnig Cymraeg (Welsh Offer) is the official recognition of the Welsh Language Commissioner and is given to organisations that have supported the Commissioner’s long-term plan to ensure people can use the Welsh language in all aspects of their lives, in all parts of Wales. Disability Sport Wales was awarded this certification in June 2024. Read more about our Cynnig Cymraeg (Welsh Offer).
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