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Become a Para Sport Festival Partner

Co-ordinated by Disability Sport Wales, and hosted across Swansea, the Para Sport Festival is delivered by a network of key stakeholders, including Welsh and British National Governing Bodies of sport. The event is delivered alongside the World Triathlon Para Series and Ironman 70.3 Swansea events.


takepart Take Part
spectate Competitive

volunteer Volunteer


The two components of the Para Sport Festival are:

An insport Series Event

takepart Take Part

The insport Series events provide inclusive sporting opportunities for disabled children, young people and adults.  The events take the format of a range of opportunities to experience inclusive sports which are provided by local insport Clubs and National Governing Bodies to provide a local pathway into inclusive clubs (insport Clubs).  DSW are responsible for the co-ordination of 15 insport Series events across Wales and are supported through the established partnership with AF Blakemore & Son Ltd. (SPAR). 


Competitive Event Programme

spectate Competitive

The inclusion of competitive events within the Para Sport Festival will complement the participatory-focused opportunity within the insport Series component.  Each competitive event will be delivered by the relevant Welsh and/or British National Governing Bodies of the sport and aim to highlight the wider pathway offer.   

The aspiration is that this component within the PSF will significantly increase the number and range of inclusive and para specific competitive events at club, national and international  level.

The 2023 programme of competitive events included:

  • Para Fencing British Championships
  • UK Boccia Team Championships
  • British Shooting Para Open
  • Wales v Scotland Deaf Football International
  • Wheelchair Rugby Welsh Open
  • Para Golf Welsh Open

How you can get involved

The option exists to sponsor the Para Sport Festival as a whole event package or align support a specific competitive event.

The event provides an opportunity to access engagement across 30 National Governing Bodies of sport, city-wide branding – including across multiple venues (Swansea), and through a bespoke website and live streaming provision.

Proposed Partnership Inventory

Title & Logo

Official Designation: Para Sport Festival sponsored by [your organisation]

Right to use DSW brand marks

Right to create and use a composite logo combining your logo and Para Sport Festival logo

Digital Marketing
Opportunity to promote your brand through DSW social media channels
Sponsor mark to appear on all Para Sport Festival-related content published on social media

Sponsor mark, designation, and hyperlink to feature on bespoke Para Sport Festival website (parasportfestival.co.uk) and DSW Website (disabilitysportwales.com)

Sponsor mark to appear on all live streaming content
Branding & Advertising

Sponsor mark and designation to appear on all Para Sport Festival-related marketing material

Sponsor mark / logo embedded within all related electronic and printed resources
Opportunity to provide branded items to organisations participating in Para Sport Festival events.
Staff Engagement
VIP invitations to all DSW events
Opportunity for staff to volunteer at Para Sport Festival events
Appearances from a leading Welsh Para Athlete
Disability inclusion training day for staff members
UK DIT training for staff (20 spaces)
Photography/content from Para Sport Festival for use in PR related to the Partnership
Announcement of partnership through DSW social media channels, including press release
Disability Sport Wales attendance at your events as requested (for example, staff or partner conferences)*
*limitations apply
Extend invitations to wider engagement opportunities for your partners where available (for example, event tickets for para and disability sport events held in Wales to which Disability Sport Wales is a partner)

Why you should support the Para Sport Festival

Alongside the World Para Series Triathlon and Ironman 70.3 events, the Para Sport Festival aims to have a transformational effect for both Swansea and the wider region.  It will raise the profile of Swansea as a multi-sport destination, whilst also establishing the profile of Wales and Swansea as an inclusive sporting, tourism and business destination.  The broad nature of the event, from community-based engagement opportunities to showcasing global talent, will act as a vehicle of growth for para sport across the region.  It will also project and highlight the range of inclusive and disability specific opportunities available within our local communities to a wider audience. 



Think your organisation is a good fit?

Become a Para Sport Festival Partner by contacting the Disability Sport Wales Partnerships Team:


From here:



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