Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February


Clean Sport

Anti-doping in sport is critical to maintain the integrity and ethos that sport abides by on a global basis. Doping is cheating and fundamentally undermines the spirit of sport and the efforts of clean athletes.

As an athlete, parent/carer or guardian, athlete support personnel or sports administrator, you have anti-doping responsibilities that you need to be aware of.

You need to take anti-doping seriously and fully understand the principle of strict liability. Strict liability means that you are solely responsible for any banned substance you use, attempt to use, or is found in your system, regardless of how it got there or whether there was any intention to cheat. In anti-doping, not knowing is not an excuse.

What you need to know

UKAD logo

UKAD (UK Anti-Doping)

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) is the UK’s National Anti-Doping Organisation responsible for protecting clean sport in the UK, governed by a worldwide agreed set of rules, protected globally by commitments from both governments and the sports movement.

UKAD publish the UK Anti-Doping Rules which are intended to implement the World Anti-Doping Code.

There are 11 Anti-Doping Rules Violations (ADRVs) that apply to athletes. 7 of these also apply to support personnel.

WADA logo

WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency)

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is an international independent agency whose key activities include scientific research, education, development of anti-doping capacities and monitoring of the World Anti-Doping Code.

WADA annually publish the World Anti-Doping Code Prohibited List. It designates what substances and methods are prohibited both in- and out-of-competition and which substances are banned in particular sports.

Informed Sport logo


Dietary supplements can be broadly defined as products containing a concentrated source of nutrients or other substances that have a nutritional or physiological effect. There are no guarantees that any supplement product is free from banned substances and athletes must be fully aware of the risks to their career if they chose to use a supplement product. Before taking supplements, athletes must therefore assess the need, risk and consequences to their careers.

Assess the need: seek advice from a qualified medical professional to determine whether you need to use a supplement.

Assess the risks: if you chose to use a supplement product, only use batch-tested supplement products to minimise your risks of contamination. Make sure you check the actual batch numbers prior to use.

Assess the consequences: to your career prior to using any supplement product. You could receive a four-year ban

The Informed Sport website should be used to check if any supplements you decide to use have been batch tested.

UKAD provide further information in the Supplements Hub that you should refer to before using a dietary supplement.

Global DRO logo


Medications prescribed by a doctor or bought directly over the counter may contain prohibited substances. It is an athlete’s responsibility to check their medication before using it even if they have used it before.

It is also important to note that medications bought abroad may contain different substances to those bought in the UK.

Global Drug Reference Online (DRO) provides athletes and support personnel with information about the anti-doping status of specific medications and ingredients based on the current WADA Prohibited List. Visitors can search Global DRO for medications sold in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Global DRO provides the user with a unique reference number for each search. A user can refer to the FAQ section within Global DRO to make sure they understand the search results correctly.

If the medication is prohibited, athletes should use the UKAD TUE Wizard to find out if they need a TUE and how to apply.

If an athlete is unable to find the medication they are looking for, they should contact UKAD with the medication name and list of active ingredients via email to substance@ukad.org.uk

Protect Your Sport / UKAD logo

Protect Your Sport

Protecting clean sport depends on everyone playing their part - players, coaches, or parents - whether on centre stage or behind the scenes. Speak out if you feel there’s something wrong - no matter how small. UKAD guarantee that your identity will always be kept 100% confidential.

UKAD can be contacted in confidence at:

Email: protectyoursport@reportdoping.com

WhatsApp: +44(0)7587 634711 (this number is only able to receive messages, not phone calls)

Protect Your Sport online reporting form or call the 24-hour hotline number.

https://forms.theiline.co.uk/ukad / 08000 32 23 32

Find out more about speaking out and Protect Your Sport here.


Athletes can be tested any time, any place. Testing can take place in-competition at events, or out-of-competition, in training venues, or even at an athlete’s home. Testing is intelligence-led and risk-based, however it will always be conducted with ‘no advanced notice’. Organisations that have the authority to conduct testing are: National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADO) such as UK Anti-Doping, International Federations (IFs), or Major Event Organisers (MEO) such as the Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

You should familiarise yourself with the testing process, your rights and responsibilities and, if relevant, modifications to the testing process for minors and athletes with an impairment.

You should always undertake the test. Refusing a test can lead to a four-year ban. It is important you become familiar with the Testing Process and your Rights and Responsibilities now.

Annual Report 2021/22

Our 2021/22 Annual Report of Anti-doping Activities is available to download here: Annual Report of Anti-doping Activities 2021/2022 (English, PDF)


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