Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Guidance for Inclusive Marketing


Icon for Colour Contrast  Colour and Contrast

Aim for 4.5:1 as a minimum.

A contrast ratio of 4.5:1 meets Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to Level AA standard.

This is guidance for colour contrast in web and digital applications but is a great rule-of-thumb for printed materials too. This, broadly speaking, means text is either 4.5x darker or lighter than the background it’s placed on.

Where possible, provide an even higher-contrast option. 7:1 meets Level AAA standard.

Visual example of good and bad colour contrast

If you're interested in booking places on a Guidance for Inclusive Marketing Workshop, please contact Disability Sport Wales' Insight and Learning Senior Officer, Dr. Rachael Newport (contact details below)

Please speak to me in English
Please refer to me as: She / Her


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