Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Checking

As part of our commitment to safeguarding in sport, Disability Sport Wales uses the Welsh Sports Association (WSA) DBS Checking Service for Sport & Leisure. The service is run through its trading arm Vibrant Nation, and provides bilingual, online DBS checks (Disclosure and Barring Service, formally CRB). 

The WSA is the only provider of a fully bilingual system and service in Wales, and even offer a free DBS bilingual helpline should you have any questions. WSA offer a range of ID verification options, including the Post Office. The system also utilises the DBS Update Service, allowing Disability Sport Wales to fully enhance our safeguarding practices. 

The system is entirely web-based and can be accessed from any location, and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The system will also guide you through the process, ensuring that all correct information is provided thus reducing the likelihood of errors. Most applications are returned within 2 weeks, although many come back much quicker than this, some as quickly as 24 hours. 

All individuals working with/having regular unsupervised contact with children should undertake an enhanced disclosure DBS check. 

For more information on DBS checks, please contact the Welsh Sports Association via the e-mail address or Helpline service below: 

email admin@vibrantnation.co.uk
tel   029 2033 4995 

Alternatively contact your DSW safeguarding lead:

Nathan Stephens
email nathan.stephens@disabilitysportwales.com
tel   02920 334 925

Welfare and Safeguarding
  Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Checking


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