Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Resources for children and young people

About being safe

Some information from the BBC called 'Own It' telling you about lots of things that will keep you safe and happy.



Talk Pants is something that an organisation called the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (the NSPCC) did so that you can learn about being safe.

Talk Pants


Staying safe online

If you want to know a bit more about how you can stay safe online and ...

... you are 8 - 10 years old then have a look here 

... you are 11 - 18 years old then have a look here

and you can look here if you are ...

... 4 - 11 yearsor

... 11 - 18 years


ChildLine have some really useful information here They also have a telephone number you can call for free at any time if you need help because you are worried or don't feel safe:

0800 1111

About being bullied

If you are being bullied it is really important that you tell an adult you trust.  If you to know more about bullying and what it means then have a look at these:

What to do if I am being bullied

Facts about bullying

What you can do

Different types of bullying 

Further help if you are being bullied

And don't forget that number if you need it 0800 1111

Welfare and Safeguarding
  Resources for children and young people


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