Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Welfare and Safeguarding Resources for Parents

NSPCC Parents' Hub Resources

Resources developed by the NSPCC for parents and guardians to keep children safe in sport.

About keeping children and young people safe in sport

Helping keep your child safe in sport

Booklet produced for parents by the Department for Culture Media and Sport, and the NSPCC

About keeping children and young people safe when using the internet and social network sites


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre have a range of brilliant resources for parents, divided into advice for those whose children are at primary school and secondary school.



NSPCC information about keeping children safe when they are online.



Connect Safely provide a range of resources for parents, young people and older adults on online safety for some of the high profile games and virtual environments so that children can be protected.



Guidance, activities and resources produced by Childnet, aimed at parents and carers to help support online safety for children and young people with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) (referred to as SEN within the resources). 



Guidance aimed at parents on a range of technology, including phones, laptops, smart speakers, games consoles, tablets, smart TVs and social media.  UK Safer Internet Centre also provide a range of other information and guidance to support online safety.

About bullying


NSPCC advice and guidance for parents concerned about their child being bullied



Young Minds resource for parents and carers is you are worried about a child being bullied.



Information and resources for adults about bullying and how to respond depending on the setting and circumstances



Information and resources through a website which aims to link individuals up with specialist support from professionals who can help you with areas of your life which might be causing you worry, or where you feel (additional) support.

General Information


General links to a range of resources about keeping children safe.

Welfare and Safeguarding
  Welfare and Safeguarding Resources for Parents


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