Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

DSW Resource for Adults at Risk Safeguarding and Welfare

Directory of Appendices





Template Policy Statement

A template for clubs and organisations affiliated to Disability Sport Wales to use in creating a Adults at Risk Welfare and Safeguarding Policy


Coaches Code of Conduct

Outline of the ethical framework which a DSW Coach agree to abide by


Athletes Code of Conduct

Outline of the ethical framework which a DSW Athlete agrees to abide by


Parents/Carers/Guardians Code of Conduct

Outline of the ethical framework which a Parent/Carer/Guardian of a DSW athlete agrees to abide by


Guidelines for Club Promotion through the DSW website

DSW recommendations for good practice when promoting clubs for children and young people on the DSW website


DSW’s Commitment to e-safety: Using Social Media and Information Technology

DSW position statement regarding e-safety and the role e-communication has within the organisation


Athlete Agreement: Use of Social Media

Agreement Form for DSW athletes to sign agreeing to standards for the use of social media


Officers Agreement: Use of Social Media

Agreement Form for DSW Officers (coaches, volunteers or others in a position of trust) to sign agreeing to standards for the use of social media


DSW Anti Bullying Policy

DSW Policy to combat and prevent bullying


Responding to concerns or allegations of abuse towards an adult at risk

DSW process which MUST be followed if there are concerns that some OUTSIDE of DSW has abused or has been alleged to abuse a child or young person attending a DSW session


Responding to concerns about a DSW staff member or volunteer towards an adult at risk

DSW process which MUST be followed if there are concerns that a DSW member of staff or volunteer has abused or has been alleged to abuse a child or young person


Adult Protection Referral Form

Template form which outlines the key elements of information which should be provided or captured by an individual receiving a referral


Poor Practice Referral Form

Template form which outlines the key elements of information which needs to be identified if there is a suspicion or report of poor practice within the coaching environment or session


DSW Welfare Discipline and Dispute Resolution Procedure (DSW Employee)

Discipline and dispute resolution policy for those employed or deployed by DSW


DSW Welfare Discipline and Dispute Resolution Procedure (Athlete)

Discipline and dispute resolution policy for athletes


DSW Internal Safeguarding Procedures - Responding to an allegation made about a DSW Coach or Volunteer

The process DSW will apply in responding to an allegation received through the DSW Lead Welfare Officer about a coach or volunteer involved with a DSW session.


DSW Incidents and Complaints Monitoring Process

DSW process for monitoring incidents and complaints


DSW Internal Safeguarding Procedures _ Responding to an allegation made about someone outside DSW

The process DSW will apply in responding to an allegation received through the DSW Lead Welfare Officer about a individual who is not associated with a DSW session.


DSW Whistleblowing Policy

DSW Whistle Blowing Policy which can be evoked if an individual believes that a member of DSW staff is behaving inappropriately


DSW Risk and Case Management Process (Adults at Risk)

DSW process highlighting training requirement through to responding to an issue raised within the DBS check


Guidance for storing welfare case or referral information

Information for Lead Welfare Officer regarding the processes for storing information which links to a Welfare case or referral, in accordance with Data Protection legislation.


DSW Safeguarding Panel Referral Form

Template form to be completed by the DSW LWO or the Safeguarding Panel which records the key points of the DSW Safeguarding Panel discussion and identifies the chain of communication on to appropriate individuals or bodies.


e-safety Incident Report Form

Template form which outlines the key elements of information which should be captured if there is an incident, or poor practice linked to e-technology or social media


Responding to concerns about an e-safety incident

DSW process which MUST be followed if there are concerns about an e-safety incident


DSW Recruitment Process

Cyclical representation of the process DSW apply to recruitment


DSW Recruitment Policy 2016

This is DSW’s full Recruitment Policy


DSW Application Form

This will be received if an individual requests the opportunity to apply for a position with DSW


DSW Reference Form

This will be sent out to the contact the candidate supplies as a reference for previous employment or who will attest to their character and suitability for the position applied for.


Role Description – DSW Lead Welfare Officer

Role description for the DSW Lead Welfare Officer


Role Description – DSW Associate Lead Welfare Officer

Role description for the DSW Associate Lead Welfare Officer


Role Description – DSW DBS Countersignatory

Role description for individuals involved with countersigning DBS checks


Role Description – DSW Head Coach



Role Description – DSW Assistant Coach/Leader



Job Description (DSW Board Welfare Champion)

Role description for the DSW Board Welfare Champion


Self-Disclosure Form (Adults at Risk)

Form to be completed by the individual being employed/deployed.  This needs to be completed prior to receipt of the DBS check certificate. 


DSW List of Eligible Roles for DBS check


DSW recommendations for those roles which meet the eligibility requirements for a DBS check associated with Regulated Activity


About the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

Information about the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)


DSW Disclosure and Barring Service Processes

Outline of the DSW process for conducting DBS checks with staff and/or volunteers


Guidance about Regulated Activity for Adults at Risk

DBS recommendations about what is considered to be ‘Regulated Activity’ relating to adults at risk

There are currently no Case Studies to display.


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