Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Montage of people of different ages, impairments and backgrounds enjoying sport

UK Disability Inclusion Training

The UK Disability Inclusion Training project has been a landmark – the first of its kind within disability sport, and indicates a significant change in the working practices of the Home Nations Disability Sport Organisations (HNDSO) of Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England. 

Historically the provision of disability inclusion training has been delivered by each individual HNDSO, and by a range of external providers within each of the four Nations.  There are now 2 versions of the UK DIT workshop: UK DIT for Coaches and Volunteers, and UK DIT for Education.  This means that you will get a tailored experience reflecting the diversity of your needs, and identifying and reinforcing good practice within your area of the physical activity, sport and leisure industry. 

Disability Sport Wales is offering UK DIT courses via a mixture of online and face-to-face learning.

Already enrolled?

If you're already enrolled on a UK DIT course, click this link to log back into the Virtual Learning Environment:

Virtual Learning Environment Login

UK DIT for Coaches and Volunteers

Find out more about UK DIT for Coaches and Volunteers

CIMSPA Education Training Partner Logo
Education and Training
  UK Disability Inclusion Training


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