Are you involved in the delivery of inclusive opportunities within your community?

We need your help to better understand the inclusive opportunities that are delivered across Wales to disabled people. 

Biannually clubs and sessions are contacted by Disability Sport Wales (March and September) to capture data on the provision to disabled people from the previous 6 months. 

All completed responses received by midnight on Sunday 6th October 2024 from clubs or sessions based in Wales will be entered into a draw, with one club or session receiving access to £500 worth of UK Disability Inclusion Training and sports equipment for their club or session. 

The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

What do we want to know?

The club and session survey has been designed to capture a snapshot of the current inclusive provision for disabled children, young people, and adults across Wales and how they engage with community-based sport and physical activity.

The survey will explore the current level of participation, the range of opportunities, and the size of the workforce providing these opportunities within communities across Wales. It will be shared nationally by Disability Sport Wales, and through the support of national, regional and local partners to maximise the response rate.

The questions are focused on the number of opportunities, the number of participants, and the workforce supporting these. The survey also provides an opportunity for clubs & sessions to suggest areas and format of support that may help them moving forward by detailing any tools, resources, and training that may be useful.

Why do we need this information?

Responses are valuable in supporting Disability Sport Wales to best capture a picture of the number of opportunities that exist for disabled children, young people and adults to take part in sport and physical activity in all areas of Wales. This survey is the only tool that captures the provision of inclusive community-based sport and physical activity across Wales.

The information captured will be used to shape ongoing support for inclusive providers and disabled people looking to access opportunities across Wales. It also enables us to break this down for participants and the workforce by area, demographic group, and activity type.

How does the survey work?

Biannually clubs and sessions are contacted by Disability Sport Wales (March & September) to capture the provision over the previous 6 months.

We have designed the survey to be as easy to complete as possible. The survey can be completed on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, or a mobile phone.

The survey can be done at any point during the allocated month, depending on what works best for the individual club or session involved.

How long will the survey take?

The survey should take no more than 5 minutes for the club or session to complete.

All complete responses from clubs or sessions based in Wales will be entered into a draw, with one club or session receiving access to £500 worth of UK Disability Inclusion Training and sports equipment for their club or session.

Data Protection

All responses are stored in compliance with GDPR. Any contact details provided will only be used in relation to club development opportunities through Disability Sport Wales, or the relevant National Governing Body of Sport or local authority.

Disability Sport Wales’s Privacy Notice is available here.

Further Support

If you have any questions about the survey or would like support to respond, please contact Disability Sport Wales through or your respective Regional Partnership Senior Officer.

Terms and Conditions for the Draw

  1. Every eligible club or session who completes the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win the £500 investment into their club, delivered as £250 equipment vouchers and a UK Disability Inclusion Training package worth £250.
  2. The prize is not transferable and has no cash equivalent. If Disability Sport Wales is unable to provision equipment vouchers, equipment will be purchased by Disability Sport Wales on behalf of the winning club or session.
  3. To be eligible for the prize draw, the club, organisation and/or session(s) named in the survey must be:
    • Based in Wales, United Kingdom
    • Deliver regular sport or physical activity sessions which can evidenced if requested
  4. One entry per club, organisation or person offering sport or physical activity sessions in Wales, United Kingdom. You may complete the survey multiple times if you are responsible for multiple different community sport offers within your organisation, but the same organisation will only be eligible for the prize draw once.
  5. To be eligible to win, your survey answers must be received before  23:59 (11:59pm) on Sunday 6th October 2024. Survey submissions received after this time may be included in the survey data, but will not be counted as entries eligible for inclusion in the prize draw.
  6. Please contact if you wish to complete the survey, but require the survey in an alternate format.
  7. The club, organisation or person who has won the investment into their club or session will be notified on or before Monday 14th October 2024. The winner will be contacted via the email address provided when completing the survey.
  8. If the winner does not respond within 14 days of being contacted, or is for any reason ineligible to win, the prize draw will be redrawn and a new winner will be contacted. This process will repeat if required until a winner is confirmed.

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