Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Schoolchildren are taught about inclusion in an Admiral Play Together workshop

Play Together

Play Together is a creative inclusive learning programme aimed at primary school pupils in Years 5 and 6 (Key Stage 2).

The aim of the course is to help pupils create innovative ways to include all children in the games and activities they play.

The course delves into the following areas:

  1. Disability Knowledge, True or False Quiz
  2. Perceptions of disabled people and how to include different impairments in physical activity.
  3. Terminology
  4. Practical – Pupils are tasked with creating an inclusive environment during an activity of the tutor’s choice.

The course is free of charge to Primary Schools and takes approximately 45 minutes. A school hall would be an ideal area for the course to take place with one class at a time, and several courses can take place during one school day.

Example Play Together printed resources

As well as new inclusive knowledge, each pupil who completes the training will receive a “Including Everyone” certificate and Play Together Activity Booklet. 

To book a Play Together session please contact our Education and Training Officer:

Ben Davies-Thompson
Ben Davies-Thompson
Education and Training Officer
Please speak to me in English


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