Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Dylanwadu Conference

Join us this October as Disability Sport Wales and its partners share experiences, ideas and expertise to influence inclusive cultural change in Wales.



What you'll learn

Disability Sport Wales will be hosting sessions discussing:

  • Accessibility
  • Neurodiversity
  • Inclusive Communication
  • Inclusive Workplace
  • Intersectionality
  • Inclusive Leadership

Topics have been curated to inspire meaningful change in the sport sector, as well as translate learning from the sport sector into useful advice and guidance for our business sector partners.

Event structure

The conference will be held in two halves:

  • A morning session for sport sector partners in partnership with Sport Wales
  • An afternoon session for business sector partners in partnership with Team Wales Business Club.

Bridging the morning and afternoon sessions, and open to both sport- and business-sector partners, is a Team Wales Business Club Networking Lunch. The Conference will be followed by the Celebrating Paris Homecoming Dinner (more information below).

How to sign up

Sport Sector Partners

Sport sector partners will be invited by Disability Sport Wales and Sport Wales to join us for the morning sessions, and the Team Wales Business Club Networking Lunch.

Business Sector Partners

Business sector partners may purchase tickets to join us for the Team Wales Business Club Newtorking Lunch and the afternoon sessions of the Dylanwadu Conference in one combined ticket.

Lunch + Conference Ticket £66

Tickets for the afternoon session include one space at the networking lunch and entry to two 45-minute learning sessions. Tickets are being sold by Team Wales Business Club, and can be purchased from the link below:

forward Buy the combined Lunch + Conference ticket

Celebrating Paris 2024

After the Dylanwadu Conference concludes, Disability Sport Wales will be hosting the Celebrating Paris Homecoming Dinner. This evening will be a chance to celebrate the achievements of Welsh para athletes at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. 

Attending and Sponsoring the Celebrating Paris Homecoming Dinner

Table Bookings — £640

  • Each table booking includes a drinks reception and three-course meal for eight guests, who will be seated for dinner with two athletes.

Headline Sponsor Package — £12,000

  • Naming rights to the event. “Sponsored by [Partner Name]” included in event logo and “Sponsored by [Partner Name]” included in all verbal mentions of the event.

  • Organisation’s name and logo on all printed and virtual collateral related to the event. 

  • Drinks reception and three-course meal for eight partner representatives and guests, who will be seated for dinner with two athletes. 

  • Two spaces for the afternoon learning series conference taking place at the Coldra Court on Friday 4th October.

Drinks Reception Sponsor Package — £48,000

  • Partner’s name and logo on all printed and virtual collateral related to the event.

  • Title sponsorship of drinks reception, with the option to place branded materials in the drinks reception space. 

  • Drinks reception and three-course meal for eight partner representatives and guests, who will be seated for dinner with two athletes. 

  • Two spaces for the afternoon learning series conference taking place at the Coldra Court on Friday 4th October.

Event Sponsor Package — £1,200

  • Organisation’s name and logo on all printed and virtual collateral related to the event.
  • Drinks reception and three-course meal for eight partner representatives and guests, who will be seated for dinner with two athletes.
  • Two spaces for the afternoon learning series conference taking place at the Coldra Court on Friday 4th October.

Book your place

To book a table or become an Event Sponsor, please contact Ffion Alexander-Jones, Disability Sport Wales Finance and Charity Officer:

Please speak to me in English or Welsh
Please refer to me as: She / Her


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