Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Representatives from Welsh Rugby Union, Disability Sport Wales, and Llewod y Bont Rugby team stand on a grass rugby training pitch. The four men are standing, smiling, and looking directly at the camera. In front of them are poles, rugby balls of various sizes and textures, a soft bell ball, and a collection of other smaller pieces of equipment. This is the sport equipment supplied by Disability Sport Wales to Llewod y Bont for winning the Inclusive Provision Survey completion draw.

Pictured left to right, Ollie Coles (WRU Rugby Engagement Officer), Paul Millins (Coach), Marcus Politis (Disability Sport Wales), and Darren Owen (Head Coach).



Find out more about our previous winners, Llewod y Bont

Llewod y Bont, a mixed ability rugby team based in Menai Bridge on Anglesey were the winners of our community survey prize draw, receiving £500 worth of support, delivered through £250 Disability Inclusion Training vouchers and £250 worth of equipment delivered straight to their club! 

Our Regional Partnership Senior Officer for North Wales, Marcus Politis visited the club recently to meet the coaches, deliver the equipment, and to learn more about the great opportunity for disabled people in their local community!

The club meets at Porthaethwy Rugby Club on the second Sunday of every month 11:00am – 12:30pm. The sessions are free and there is a free 'panad' and bacon sandwich which has to be the best deal in town!

Head coach Darren said “We were working with the Actif Woods project on Anglesey as they were using our facilities and the local woodland so we invited them down for a rugby session and it developed from there. We are delighted with the award as we see ourselves as a focal point for the island, the community and disability sport. We enjoy giving something back to the community and that is extremely important to me and the club”.

Ollie Coles, North Wales rugby engagement officer is delighted with the development of Llewod y Bont, "This is a great example of cross-organisational work as North Wales is a challenging region, this is a great club and has made rugby accessible to everyone. "

If anyone is interested in rugby, drop Porthaethwy Rugby Club a message on social media or email Darren directly on darrenowen75@yahoo.com if you would like more information.

Topics in this article:
GeneralGrass Roots SportAngleseyWelsh Rugby Union (WRU)Actif North WalesRugby


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