C4.4 DSW Risk and Case Management Process

Visual figure. Written description below.

This flow diagram begins with describing the Risk Management Process with four inputs:

  • DSW Case Management Panel Members
  • Coaches
  • Other Volunteers
  • DSW Member body staff involved with regulated activity or Welfare

The responsibility for the following steps in the flow lie with the counter-signatory. These follow the flow to:

  1. UK Coaching /NSPCC Safeguarding and Protecting Children (or renewal if appropriate) workshop
  2. Complete and submit Enhanced DBS Disclosure Form
  3. DBS information returned to Applicant

This can result in three identified outcomes:

  1. No concerns or identification of risk, which completes the flow diagram with "continue into role".
  2. Barred from Regulated Activity. Responsibility passes to the Lead Safeguarding Officer, who will feedback to Applicant.  Individual not used within regulated activity. A referral is made to the DBS (See appendix C4.17).
  3. Identification of offence which impacts risk. This will begin a Case Management flow as below.

If a DBS check returns information identifying risk, or if a referral is received through DSW processes, the case is referred to the DSW Lead Safeguarding Officer.

They will conduct a Risk Assessment. If a manageable risk is identified, a flow begins:

  1. Discussion with other counter-signatory/ies
  2. Decision making recorded
  3. Coach/Volunteer used perhaps with specific conditions

If a risk is identified and further support is required to make a decision, a new workflow begins with responsibility passing to an independent verifier. They will refer the matter to the DSW Board Lead for Safeguarding. If they deem the risk to be manageable, the Lead Safeguarding Officer picks the case back up and the previously identified flow for manageable risks continues.

If the DSW Board Lead for Safeguarding deems the issue to be of concern, a DSW Case Management Panel is convened and the Coach/Volunteer/Staff is suspended pending further inquiry. The Panel discusses the case and recommendations made. This can result in three outcomes:

  1. No case to answer. The Coach/Volunteer continues their role in DSW
  2. Manageable risk identified. Sanctions are identified for coach/volunteer based on risk.
  3. Possible criminal case to answer. Concern referred to Police and/or Social Services. Referral made to the DBS (See Appendix C4.17)

End of figure.

Section 2: The Case Management Panel

Disability Sport Wales have formed a Case Management Panel in order to ensure that referrals received about the welfare of (disabled) children and young people are escalated appropriately, and that cases are handled objectively and robustly. 

The terms of reference for the group are as follows:


1. Term and Constitution

The DSW Board of Directors will approve the constitution of the Case Management Panel with the support and guidance of the Board Lead for Safeguarding

The Chair for the panel may be the DSW Board Lead for Safeguarding or the DSW Lead Welfare Officer

The Chair of the Case Management Panel will ensure that the DSW Lead Welfare Officer and/or DSW Associate Lead Welfare Officer are present in order to inform panel.  They will also ensure that there is appropriate representation from the sport on the panel.

The Case Management Panel will be comprised of:

Non-voting Members (reporting officer or observer):

  • DSW Associate Lead Welfare Officer
  • Representative from the sport

Standing Members:

  • Panel Chair and/or DSW Board Lead for Safeguarding/DSW Lead Welfare Officer
  • Chair of the DSW Governance Committee
  • Independent representation with experience of Child Welfare
  • Legal representative for DSW with expertise in Safeguarding or Criminal law

Visiting Members:
(invited as and when required)

  • Member organisation representative (Chief Executive Officer or equivalent) (if the individual from that organisation is the subject of the case or referral)
  • NSPCC/Sport Wales Child Protection in Sport Development Officer
  • Other experts as identified or suggested by the Chair of the Panel


Any panel member who may have a conflict of interest with regard to any of the cases or referrals discussed (or due to be discussed) at the Panel must declare them as soon as they are realised.

Quorum for the panel is 3 people

Complete confidentiality is expected for all business discussed at the panel.  However, all members of the Case Management Panel have an overriding obligation to protect children at risk of harm and may therefore share information as appropriate with third parties if it considered necessary beyond the panel meeting.


2. Purpose

Inform the appropriate statutory agency (the police and/or the Local Authority Children’s Social Care Department) where a report is made relating to concerns about suspected or actual abuse of a child/young person, and to comply with any directions or requirements they may make regarding the case.

Give direction where appropriate to the sport’s Safeguarding/Child Protection team (or officer) as to the level of cases - as high risk, medium risk, or low risk.

Give direction where appropriate as to the level at which a case is to be managed.

Determine where appropriate which cases the Case Management Panel need to be directly involved with and advising on what level of investigation should be undertaken.

Analyse any reports commissioned and determine whether any further actions are required.

Make initial decisions regarding risk from the information received and determine how such risks are to be managed.

Monitor and review the progress on all cases and identify any trends emerging which may require a review of current policies and procedures.

Consider medium and low risk cases and decide whether to issue any conditions regarding further participation in the sport.

Consider any criminal records disclosure information in accordance with the (sport’s) safer recruitment protocol. Any disclosures which contain “non-conviction information” should be considered by the Case Management Panel.

Advise generally on matters of safeguarding policy, strategy and procedure, and to approve appropriate protocols.

Advise on referrals of individuals to the Disclosure and Barring Service

Confirm when to share information with other organisations in sport in Wales and the UK, who those organisations should be, and the extent of the information shared.


3. Reporting

Reports on the outcome of the cases handled by the Case Management Panel will be fed back to the DSW Board verbally by the Chair of the Panel, and will be anonymous and received confidentially.

All information shared within the Case Management Panel should be treated with the strictest confidence.  It is therefore not for disclosure outside of the membership of that panel and should be consistent with current acts and legislation.

Only the Chair of the Panel (alongside the CEO) should deal with PR and Media interest in cases discussed at panel if this is required.

The panel will agree on the route the case or referral will take through the DSW Case Management Panel flow diagram (illustrated in Section 1 of this Appendix)


4. Decision making

Decisions will be made where there is a majority consensus of opinion based on the facts brought to the case management panel.  A consensus is 51% of representation of the quorum of the panel.


5. Additional work

The panel may be consulted by the Chair around issues associated with the DSW Safeguarding and Welfare Policies (Children and Adults) if it is identified that there are blocks or aspects for improvement to be made as a result of it being evoked

The Chair may ask the panel to provide expert advice or feedback in addition to the discussion of cases or referrals pertinent to Welfare and Safeguarding issues, or related to any requirements for amendments or additions to policy and processes


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