Disability Sport Wales Performance Pathway

Disability Sport Wales Performance Pathway Programme

The Performance Pathway Team identify and support individuals to reach their potential within sport. Promising athletes are guided on their journey toward potential competitive success through the Performance Pathway Hub (PPH) Programme.

The purpose of the DSW Performance Pathway Hub Programme is to provide an environment for individuals to learn, grow and develop into athletes for a sport which fits the individuals profile/ impairment and to have the best possible chance of success at World, Paralympic and/or Commonwealth Games.

Find out more about the Performance Pathway Hub

PPH Tier Structure


The Performance Pathway programme:

  • Focusses on recruitment and development by increasing the number of signposts and engagement opportunities for Performance Pathway Hub participants and athletes.
  • Creates partnerships with national governing bodies, disability specific organisations, health, education, agencies and groups.
  • Influences new and existing structures to develop a Performance Pathway which is inclusive of disabled people.
  • Supports participants and athletes who wish to transfer out of or across to another sport.
  • Develops resources which will support a range of sports with the impairment profiles and requirements of NGB / GB organisations when seeking potential athletes.
  • Celebrates and communicates achievements and success across the pathway and to inspire the next generation of Athletes.
  • Advocates the importance of wellbeing for people involved in the Performance Pathway Programme and provide opportunities to grow and develop in and outside of sport and physical activity.
  • Monitors the impact of the Performance Pathway Programme on participants, athletes and partner organisations.


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