Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

A boy with Down's Syndrome enjoys Table Tennis

Projects and Programmes

Disability Sport Wales works toward its mission to influence, include and inspire in sport through its own projects and programmes, and contributing to third party programmes that support disabled people to be involved in sport and physical activity.

inclusion + sport = insport
insport logo
insport logo

insport is a Disability Sport Wales project delivered with the support of Sport Wales, which aims to support the physical activity, sport, and leisure sectors delivering inclusively of disabled people. 

Disability Sport Wales have developed toolkits to support Clubs, National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and Local Authorities to deliver excellent standards of inclusion for disabled people in sport and physical activity.

Learn more about insport

DSW Performance Pathway
DSW Performance Pathway

In the build up to major events such as the Paralympic Games, Commonwealth Games and other global sporting events, Disability Sport Wales paves the way for the latest crop of future Paralympic & Deaflympic stars within the Performance Pathway Programme.

The Performance Pathway Team identify and support individuals to reach their potential within sport. Promising athletes are guided on their journey toward potential competitive success through the Performance Pathway Hub (PPH) Programme.

Learn more about the Performance Pathway



Get Out Get Active

Get Out Get Active (GOGA) is a programme that runs across the UK. We support disabled and non-disabled people to enjoy being active together. It began in 2016 with funding from Spirit of 2012 and looks to engage the least active communities in fun and inclusive ways.

Disability Sport Wales, along with Street Games, Pride Cymru and Pembrokeshire County Council will be supporting GOGA programme delivery in Wales.

Learn more about Get Out Get Active

Health Disability Activity Pathway

Our nearly ten-year collaboration with NHS Wales to help signpost disabled people from health into physical activity (including sport)

Beginning life as the Health Disability Sport Pathway pilot with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in 2014, the project is now nationwide and creates a conduit for patients to be guided from healthcare into local sport clubs or sessions, to access to leisure services, and potentially be identified as talented athletes and go on to represent Wales and Great Britain in competitive sport.

Learn more about the Health Disability Activity Pathway


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