Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

We Are Disability Sport Wales

Join us for a Charity Gala Dinner supporting and celebrating Disability Sport Wales



Disability Sport Wales will be hosting an inspiring evening of celebration, sharing amazing stories of para and inclusive sport across Wales and highlighting the achievements of Disability Sport Wales and its partners. We’ll be recognising people who have made a real difference, showcasing emerging talent, and raising money to support disability sport in Wales.

Hosted at the luxurious Vale Resort, Hensol, the evening will include a drinks reception, three-course meal, inspiring stories from people involved in disability sport, and an auction in aid of the Anthony Hughes Memorial Fund. 

See how Disability Sport Wales influences, includes and inspires in sport, with grassroots and global successes, our insport inclusion framework, and sector-shifting inclusion training.

We’ll be presenting our Emerging Athlete of the Year Award (nominations now open) to an athlete who will also be the recipient of the Gareth John Bursary, and recognising outstanding contribution with the Jim Munkley Lifetime Achievement Award.

Get involved

Are you looking to host a staff social event or showcase your brand?
Are you interested in knowing more about Disability Sport Wales and how sport is used as a vehicle to be more inclusive?
We welcome you to support us in celebrating success in disability sport and inclusive practice by becoming an Event Partner or by booking tables to join us for a truly inspirational evening.



If you would like to become an Event Partner or book a table package, please contact:

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Please refer to me as: She / Her

If you’re interested in supporting Disability Sport Wales beyond the We Are Disability Sport Wales evening, we have multiple opportunites to become a Disability Sport Wales Partner.  Get in touch with Ffion (details above) to discuss how we can become a team.

Find out about Disability Sport Wales:


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