To mark 30 Years of The National Lottery, we are highlighting some examples of projects supported by Disability Sport Wales that have benefitted from The National Lottery Good Causes funding in Wales.

The National Lottery's support has been instrumental in enabling the development of Boccia in Wales. The support has allowed for the development of essential resources, coach development, competition opportunities and equipment.
All of which has meant there has been a significant growth in both the quality and number of Boccia opportunities for disabled young people and adults across Wales.
Community Opportunities
The National Lottery's support has been crucial in both sustaining and developing community based sport and physical activity opportunities for disabled people right across Wales.
One great example of the impact of this support is at Cardiff Met sport where they have developed disability specific junior sport camp sessions. The sessions were developed for disabled children and their siblings who would benefit from additional support or specific disability sport provision to get the best experience from sport and physical activity opportunities.

The support of the National Lottery has been crucial in enabling the development of Goalball provision within Wales. The support has allowed for coach development opportunities, additional equipment and the provision of appropriate competition opportunities.
This support has meant there has been a significant growth in the number of Goalball opportunities for disabled young people and adults across Wales.
Case Study:
The Wales Alliance for Physical Activity (including sport) for People with Learning Disabilities
Published on: 15-11-2024
Thanks to support from the National Lottery the Wales Alliance for Physical Activity (including sport) for People with Learning Disabilities (“The Alliance”) was established in May 2023. The mission of the alliance is to make Wales the best country for people with a learning disability to take part in physical activity (including sport) with whom they want, when they want and where they want.
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