Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Disability Sport Wales are tendering our Media, Communications and Public Relations contract, and invite expressions of interest from individuals, companies or organisations interested in working alongside us to support and lead our:

  • relationships with the media and results in an equal approach to the communication of success and high achievement for individuals and organisations within disability sport
  • profile and promotion of opportunities and activities through social, and other print and visual media which mean DSW and its partners are presented to new and existing networks
  • skills and experience of working with the media resulting confident, capable staff, trustees and athletes regardless of the circumstances.

Please see the below tender document for further detail about the contract, requirement for services and process for submitting an expression of interest.

Download Tender Document (Microsoft Word)

The closing date for receipt of expression of interest is Friday 5th November 2022, 12 noon.

For further information please contact fiona.reid@disabilitysportwales.com

Topics in this article:
GeneralGrass Roots SportElite SportTender Opportunity


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