Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

We are delighted to announce that Pontardawe AFC are the winners of the prize draw of the Community Provision Survey for March 2024. 

Regional Partnership Senior Officer for West Wales, Gareth Mills-Bennett, was delighted to be able to deliver, and see in the action, the football equipment at Pontardawe Football Clubs ASD session. It was clear to see the impact this equipment, and the excellent coaching offered, was going to have on all the players. 


Equipment images


The following is a quote from head coach, Jonathan Mainwaring: 

"We are incredibly grateful to Disability Sport Wales for their generous donation of football equipment to our team. This support will make a huge difference to our team as it will not only enhance the experience of our training sessions for children aged 7 years and over but it will enable us to expand our sessions to include a new class for younger children with autism meaning that many more children with ASD in the South Wales area will be able to play football. 

The equipment will help us continue to create a fun, inclusive environment where every child can develop their skills, build confidence and enjoy being part of a team. Thank you for helping our club make football accessible to all"


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