On the 24th March between 0800 & 1200 hrs the first WCMX Jam takes place in the UK at Adrenaline Alley Urban Sports Venue in Corby Northamptonshire.

WCMX or Wheel Chair Moto Cross is a new para sport that involves taking your wheelchair to the Skatepark and doing tricks on it.

The aim of the Jam is to get like minded people of any age together that want to experience riding at Europe’s largest indoor venue. Participants will need to bring with them suitable safety equipment such as gloves, elbow and knee pads and a helmet and their own wheelchair will need to be mechanically sound. Roma Sport who are sponsoring the the event will be bringing  a few demo WCMX chairs to try but numbers are limited.

There will be Spotters and Pushers to assist riders should they be required. All riders must become a members of www.AdrenalineAlley.co.uk (simple and free) and also complete the registration sign up/ athlete pack by contacting rice_mark@hotmail.co.uk prior to the event.

Also on the day Adrenaline Alley will be launching there VR experience where you can experience Lily Rice World No 2 & Toyota WCMX Team Rider drop the biggest Vert Ramp in Europe. This VR experience is a world first for a Urban Sport Venue that aims to be more inclusive and accessible in the Future.

We look forward to seeing you there

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