Celebrating LGBT+ History Month this February

Guidance for Inclusive Marketing


Icon of a camera  Use of Imagery

If you are trying to portray sport, make sure the photo is active i.e. shows sport being played.

Two male-presenting disabled people are playing table tennis. Both are playing in standing positions assisted by crutches. The player nearest to the camera is a single-leg amputee. They have played the ball, and the other player is preparing to return it.

Where a specific level of ability is required for a session, make sure this is reflected in the images.

Professional para athletes line up to start a wheelchair race. They are wearing helmets, race numbers, and national-level kit (GB, Czech, France and Swiss kits are clearly visible). The race is outdoor, on a road, and there is a crowd of supporters.

This image is clearly representative of elite-level parasport, and is not appropriate to illustrate an entry-level opportunity.

Four male-presenting young people playing boccia in a sports hall. One is a powerchair user, the other three are sitting in collapsible chairs. They are playing a 2v2 format, and the blue team are smiling..

When trying to demonstrate a session is inclusive make sure the image demonstrates inclusion, not separateness.

Images online

To allow images to be accessible to blind and visually impaired people, it is vital that images placed online are given an Alt tag. This alt tag is read by a screen reader, and if used correctly, allows a visually impaired user to understand the content.

An ideal alt tag is a balance between being concise but descript. What is the purpose of the image? What point is it helping to convey or reinforce?

The images in the previous section were given the following alt tags to help describe their content to a screen reader user:

Image one:

"Two male-presenting disabled people are playing table tennis. Both are playing in standing positions assisted by crutches. The player nearest to the camera is a single-leg amputee. They have played the ball, and the other player is preparing to return it."


Image two:

"Professional para athletes line up to start a wheelchair race. They are wearing helmets, race numbers, and national-level kit (GB, Czech, France and Swiss kits are clearly visible). The race is outdoor, on a road, and there is a crowd of supporters."


Image three:

"Four male-presenting young people playing boccia in a sports hall. One is a powerchair user, the other three are sitting in collapsible chairs. They are playing a 2v2 format, and the blue team are smiling."

If you're interested in booking places on a Guidance for Inclusive Marketing Workshop, please contact Disability Sport Wales' Insight and Learning Senior Officer, Dr. Rachael Newport (contact details below)

Please speak to me in English
Please refer to me as: She / Her


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