insport Club Lead Officer’s Resource Pack


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Aims for achieving the insport Club Gold Standard


1. Workforce Development

  • The club has a technical lead for disability and/or inclusion, who attends Continuing Professional Learning (CPL) events relevant to impairment and sports related classification

  • Aligned to their Welfare and/or Safeguarding Policy, the club have an appropriate number of coaches/volunteers/ support staff who have attended adults at risk safeguarding training


2. Programme Support

Club is engaged with relevant NGB or DSW performance pathways


3. Organisation

  • Show impact on/improvement to their inclusive communication

  • Consultation with members and within the local community to identify areas of further development

  • Update club development plan based on consultation and ensure this outlines the commitment and accountability to inclusion of disabled people (as athletes/volunteers/coaches/officials)



Workforce Development  
Aims Suggested Support

The club has a technical lead for disability and/or inclusion, who attends Continuing Professional Learning (CPL) events relevant to impairment and sports related classification

  • Identification of individual(s) who have technical lead role.

  • Overview of what the club considers to constitutes a Technical Lead role.

  • Record of CPD register identifying CPL Technical Lead(s) has/have undertaken.

Aligned to their Welfare and/or Safeguarding Policy, the club have an appropriate number of coaches/volunteers/ support staff who have attended adults at risk safeguarding training
  • Copies of the volunteers’ and support staff’s certificates of attendance.

  • Volunteers/support staff CPD register identifying which volunteers/ support staff have completed adults at risk training

Programme Support  
Aims Suggested Support

Club is engaged with relevant NGB or DSW performance pathways

  • Communication between performance pathway personnel (NGB or DSW, as appropriate)

  • Examples of how inspire campaign has been used for participants

Aims Suggested Support

Show impact on/improvement to their inclusive communication

  • Examples of the evolution of communication to current and potential members

  • Identification of changes that have been made to communication

  • Communication plan showing inclusion considerations

Consultation with members and within the local community to identify areas of further development

  • Consultation process focused on inclusive activity and delivery. 

  • Interview/focus group schedule

  • Questionnaire, form, data collection sheets

Update club development plan based on consultation and ensure this outlines the commitment and accountability to inclusion of disabled people (as athletes/volunteers/coaches/officials)
  • Consultation outcomes

  • Development plan indicating actions or areas of work linked to consultation process

  • Outline of development for athletes/volunteers/coaches/officials


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