Overview of Safeguarding in DSW

Safeguarding Standard for Sport

In Wales, the Safeguarding Standard has two levels which are assessed through the submission of a portfolio of evidence, and a presentation at a panel.  DSW submitted and attained L2 of the standard in December 2014, and then submitted for, and achieved the Level 3 standard in December 2015.  In England the standards are referred to as Intermediate (L2) and Advanced (L3).  After gaining L3 NGBs are monitored on an annual basis so as to ensure that the elements of their action plan are being achieved and that progression and refinement of processes and policies continue.

There are 5 criteria for the standard:

  1. Policy
  2. Procedures
  3. Practice
  4. Education and Training
  5. Implementation and Monitoring


DSW have the following to underpin good safeguarding practice:

  • An Action Plan which  identifies progress, responsibility, deadlines for all areas of safeguarding work (children and adults at risk)
  • Training Plan, which outlines who should access what training (based on role)
  • A robust Child Welfare and Safeguarding Policy and Toolkit
  • A robust Adults at Risk Welfare and Safeguarding Policy and Toolkit
Welfare and Safeguarding
  Overview of Safeguarding in DSW


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